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GSEB Gujarat Board HSC Result

GSEB Gujarat Board HSC Result 2023 Out at Download Arts & Commerce Result


GSEB Gujarat Board HSC Result 2023– As per our reader’s demand and comments, we are publishing this article. If you want to know about the Gold GSEB Gujarat Board HSC Result 2023, continue reading and learn more.

जाने इस पोस्ट में क्या क्या है

GSEB Gujarat Board HSC Result

The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB or GSEB) has announced the HSC or Class 12 Arts and Commerce stream results for 2023. The results are available on the official website of the board,

GSEB Gujarat Board HSC Result

Students can check their results using their board exam seat numbers or roll numbers, email IDs, and other required credentials. The overall pass percentage for the Gujarat Board Class 12th Arts and Commerce stream is 73.27%.

Students can also use WhatsApp to get their marks by sending their seat numbers to 6357300971 using the app. Hard copies of marks sheets and certificates will be distributed later.

GSEB Gujarat Board HSC ResultOverview

Board:Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB)
Result Announcement:2023
Stream:Arts and Commerce
Overall Pass Percentage:73.27%
Result Access Method:Seat number or roll number, email ID, or WhatsApp
WhatsApp Number:6357300971
Marksheets and Certificates Distribution:To be done later

Steps To Download GSEB Gujarat Board HSC Result

  1. Step 1: Visit the official website –
  2. Step 2: enter their roll number, registration number, seat number, or other required credentials.
  3. Step 3: Click on “Submit” to view their results.
  4. Step 4: The results can be downloaded and printed for future reference.

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