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Why does a Flipkart delivery boy ask for the last 4 digits of a mobile number

Why does a Flipkart delivery boy ask for the last 4 digits of a mobile number?


Why does a Flipkart delivery boy ask for the last 4 digits of a mobile number? – As per our readers’ demand and comments, we are publishing this article. If you want to know about Flipkart delivery boy ask for the last 4 digits of a mobile number?, continue reading and learn more.

As an online shopper, have you ever received a call from a Flipkart delivery boy asking for the last 4 digits of your mobile number? This might have raised some questions and concerns in your mind, leaving you wondering why the delivery boy requires this information.

Why does a Flipkart delivery boy ask for the last 4 digits of a mobile number?

In this article, we will explain why Flipkart delivery boys ask for the last 4 digits of a mobile number and why it is important. We will also discuss the benefits of this process and how it contributes to providing an efficient and secure shopping experience.

Why Does a Flipkart Delivery Boy Ask for the Last 4 Digits of a Mobile Number?

The reason for this question is simple. The last 4 digits of a mobile number are used as a verification code. Once the delivery boy has confirmed the code with the customer, it signifies that the product has been successfully delivered to the right person. It is also a way of confirming that the person receiving the product is the same as the one who placed the order.

By asking for the last 4 digits of the customer’s mobile number, the delivery boy ensures that the product is delivered to the correct person and at the right location. This process helps to prevent fraudulent activities such as identity theft, where someone else might try to claim the product on behalf of the customer.

The Benefits of the Verification Process

Apart from preventing fraudulent activities, the verification process has several benefits that contribute to a safe and efficient shopping experience.

Firstly, it ensures that the product is delivered to the right person, reducing the chances of mix-ups and misdeliveries. This is particularly important in cases where the product is a high-value item, and the customer expects it to be delivered promptly and securely.

Secondly, the verification process helps to build trust and credibility between Flipkart and its customers. By ensuring that the products are delivered to the correct customers, Flipkart establishes a reputation for reliability and security.

Finally, the verification process helps to streamline the delivery process. By confirming the delivery with a simple code, the delivery boy can quickly move on to the next delivery without any delays. This means that customers can receive their products promptly and with minimal hassle.


In conclusion, the last 4 digits of a mobile number are required by Flipkart delivery boys to confirm the identity of the customer and ensure that the product is delivered to the right person and location. This process helps to prevent fraudulent activities such as identity theft and ensures a safe and efficient shopping experience.

The verification process has several benefits, including reducing the chances of mix-ups and misdeliveries, building trust and credibility, and streamlining the delivery process.

At Flipkart, we are committed to providing the best possible shopping experience for our customers. By implementing simple yet effective verification processes such as asking for the last 4 digits of a mobile number, we aim to ensure that our customers receive their products promptly, safely, and securely.

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