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BSE Odisha 9th Class sa2 Result

Check BSE Odisha 9th Class sa2 Result Form Here – Very Useful


BSE Odisha 9th Class sa2 Result – As per our readers’ demand and comments, we are publishing this article. If you want to know about BSE Odisha 9th Class sa2 Result, continue reading and learn more.

जाने इस पोस्ट में क्या क्या है

BSE Odisha 9th Class sa2 Result

The Board of Secondary Education (Odisha) has released the online link to download the TR of class 9th for the session 2022-2023. The result link is now available on the official website,

To download the BSE Odisha 9th Class sa2 Result, students need to log in with their School code and password. The examination was completed in February/March, and all passed students can check their BSE Odisha 9th result 2023 status.

BSE Odisha 9th Class sa2 Result

The Odisha Class 9th TR result for the session 2023 is available on the Candidates login Page. Candidates can easily download the TR through the online mode by logging in using their School code and password. In case of any discrepancies, students can reach out to 0671-2415460 or write an email to [email protected].

BSE Odisha 9th Result 2023(Link) (OUT) download TR Class IX SA2 2023 – Overview

Board NameBoard of Secondary Education(BSE)
Name of ExamClass 9th Exam 2022-2023
Exam DateFEB/March 2022
Result Date24 March 2023
Result StatusAvailable now
Official website

Steps to Check BSE Odisha 9th Class sa2 Result?

  1. Step 1: Students need to go to and
  2. Step 2: Click on the Class IX result link under the latest updates section.
  3. Step 3: Then they have to enter their School code and password and
  4. Step 4: Click on “Get result.”
  5. Step 5: Finally, they can view, download, or print their subject wise marks sheet.

Important Link

Join TelegramClick Here
Direct link to Check BSE Odisha 9th Class sa2 ResultClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here


How can students access their BSE Odisha 9th result 2023?

Students can access their BSE Odisha 9th result 2023 by visiting the official website at and logging in with their School code and password.

Whom should students contact in case of any discrepancies in their BSE Odisha 9th result 2023?

Students can contact the BSE Odisha office at 0671-2415460 or write an email to [email protected] in case of any discrepancies in their BSE Odisha 9th result 2023.

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